If you have decided to take the plunge and quit your day job to try your hand at becoming self-employed, you are to be congratulated, as not everyone is brave enough to take such a chance. Whether or not you will enjoy success very much depends on you, and if you have chosen the skin care industry, this is currently a growing sector that has room for new players.
Established Product Manufacturers
Finding a company that can manufacture soap (known as โรงงานผลิตสบู่สร้างแบรนด์ in Thai) and other skin-care products and use your own unique packaging is quite easy with a Google search, and once you have located an OEM supplier, you are already halfway there. The supplier would have an extensive range of skin care products to choose from, with items such as:
- Shampoos
- Conditioners
- Soaps
- Skin Creams
- Facial Applications
- Skin Whitening Products
- Acne Creams
The supplier would only offer products that are tried and tested and are fully approved for retail marketing, which allows you to by-pass the lengthy (and costly) process to getting FDA approval. Book a tour of the facility, when you can see first-hand how the products are made, and prepare a list of questions to ask the management, which will help you to make an informed decision.
Designing your Branding
You will need the help of a professional company to ensure that your branding & packaging are top drawer and by shipping your packaging to the OEM supplier, they will do the rest and deliver the finished product to your warehouse, ready for sale. If you are unsure how to go about sourcing a packaging manufacturer, talk to the production company, as they would certainly have contacts within the industry.
E-Commerce Platform
Rather than going into the huge expense of leasing a retail premises, you are much better off selling your skin care products online, and by hooking up with a leading web designer, you can create the perfect digital platform to market your products. Building a shopping cart website is no easy thing, so you will need to seek out some professional help with your web design, and once that is done, you will need to look at digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Plan
It is absolutely essential that you have a sound digital marketing plan and you can talk to one of the many digital marketing agencies that can be found with a Google search. The expert would use a number of strategies to drive traffic to your platform, and while this is going to cost you some money, it is not something you can afford to overlook.
Free Product Samples
You should set aside a small budget to produce a range of handout samples of your entire product range, which should result in quite a few regular customers who are impressed with the products. Handing these out at shopping malls is the best way to get your name and your products out there, which is just one way to make shoppers aware that you are in business.
The beauty industry is one of the fastest growing sectors at present, so you can move forward with some confidence, knowing that the demand is there.